Jump Manual Free Download Full

The Jump Manual PDF Download (Free) 0 Comments. It is just one small aspect of the full training system that is The Jump Manual. The full system takes you through.

A lot of people would want to get the Jump Manual free and if you’re timing is right you could get pretty close to that since Jacob Hiller is offering his Jump Manual training program for $1 here.

This is a good way to use the system and see how it works for you.

Get a Taste of Things to Come

After trying all the different jump programs that didn’t work I became really skeptical if any of the programs available actually worked.

I knew that there were some workouts that worked, after all we see them in the young college players who have great jumping ability as well as some of the players we’ve played with or against.

The question was, where was it and is it available to people like me?

Simple Workouts to Jump Higher in Less than 1 Hour

As you’d imagine, it was hard for me to believe that the Jump Manual worked the first time I read about it. What made me change my mind was the Jump Manual free workbook offered by Jacob Hiller.

In it there were sample exercises and things that you could do to see if his system worked or not. Because it was a free download copy I said why not, and tried the different things.

I was surprised that it actually worked and my jump improved by slightly more than 2 inches without going to the gym, basketball court or using any equipment.

The other thing that surprised me was that the approach was totally different from the other jump training systems I’ve tried. I didn’t have to lift any weights or make dozens of jumps. In fact I did everything without having to get away from the house.

It was at that moment that I realized that there were methods that worked and that I needed to take another approach to achieving my goal of jumping higher.

How is this Approach Different From the Others?

For me the approach showed another perspective. I’ve always assumed that jumping was all legs. So strengthening them, either through doing weights, ankle weights or repeated jumping was the answer. This was what many different jump training programs did.

What’s different with the Jump Manual is that it focuses on us as a complete athlete. So it’s not just the legs but the entire person. Because of that approach it focuses on fixing our flexibility, power, explosiveness, strength and technique.

After that, it takes into consideration feeding our body with proper nutrition, getting proper rest and even off days.

Jump Manual free. download full

The way I understood it was our bodies were like race cars. It’s not just the legs, which are like the engine and wheels, but to make the race car run really fast, you need to feed it with proper fuel, motor oil and even make its design aerodynamic.

Inside the Free Jump Manual Workbook

The workbook provides a sample of that in explaining some of the things we can do to jump higher. These include:

  1. Strengthening our muscles – including how to build explosive power and making our lower body stronger to give us extra inches when we jump.
  2. Proper warm-up – a very important feature of workouts and sports to prevent injuries. After all, when you’re injured, it doesn’t matter how high you jump because you’re on the bench.
  3. Choosing shoes – so that you are comfortable and are able to not only jump higher but also perform and train better.
  4. Proper jumping form and knowing how to build and take advantage of your momentum to help propel yourself higher.

Outlining the Jump Manual Training Program

Looking at the workout chart of the Jump Manual, a cycle of the program lasts for 14 days. In total we repeat this 14 day cycle 6 times. This means the entire run of the program lasts for 12 weeks or 3 months.

You can of course stop or interrupt training before the entire 3 months are done. Sometimes life just gets in the way. Though, this will results in less gains.

I’ve also heard of people do more than 7 months, where they run the whole program, take a week or few weeks off then start over again, and repeat this over and over. This is when the gains of 12 or more inches on your vertical comes in. But they key I took away from their experiences was that each time you repeat you need to use more resistance or make the exercise more challenging.

14 Day Training Schedules

Each 14 day cycle contains:

  • 4 off days – you can take the day off or do upper body exercises but no leg exercises. The muscles need to recover.
  • There are a number of stretch and recovery days which helps the muscles get stronger.
  • Each session starts with proper warm up, and ends with post-workout also.
  • There are strength training exercises which you can do with or without weights (your choice, though weights are in the original program).
  • Plyometrics are used to complement the strength training.
  • Training is also done to improve overall speed, agility and coordination, which not only helps improve jumping but also athleticism.

For an more complete review of the complete program see our Jump Manual review here.

Parting Thoughts

If you think you’re ready to give the full version of the Jump Manual a go, click here to go get the program and start training.

Jump Manual free. download full Version

I know that the author makes special offers of $1 every now and then so if you’re timing is right that’s definite a steal.

Here’s the download of the How to Jump Higher in 45 Minutes – Jump Manual Free Workbook.

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Want a copy of the Jump Manual free workboook?

We’ve got the link below.

Being able to jump high is a skill that gives athletes an advantage. Michael Jordan used it to score over his opponents on the way to NBA MVP and championship titles.

The issue with trying to get better at something is figuring out the right way to do it. The right way gets better results faster, the wrong way may get you there but it may take longer, or not at all.

Choosing which jump program to get was a tough one for me because of the many that are available. What got me to try out the Jump Manual was the free workout program workbook.

What was the Difference?

After going through different workouts and methods that didn’t get the results that were good, it was difficult to believe what any program would promise.

The one thing that convinced me was the ability to test things out for myself.

After all, if you are able to try a part of it and it produces results, then chances are it should continue to do so.

The Jump Manual free workbook offered a peek into the Jump Manual including some tips, free mini-workout and things that I could try out. This helped me figure out if the type of training included was a fit for me and also if what the author was saying actually worked or was it just another scam.

Jump Manual Free Workbook: Add 2 to 5 Inches to Your Jump Fast


The free manual is a download PDF ebook that’s available online. Just go down to the bottom of the page and click on the button to get the ebook.

Once you have it, give it a good read and try the different exercises and other drills that are listed there. This gets you a quick start into how the mind of the author works.

Done properly, you can expect to add a few inches to your jump just by following the exercises and things to do.

In this free vertical jump manual workout book, Jacob Hiller shares a few quick fixes that add inches to your jump in 45 minutes.

Jump Manual free. download full Game

  • How your shoes affect how high you jump
  • Pre-workout and post workout tips that will help your muscles
  • Which warm-up exercises to use and what type of warm ups work and don’t work
  • Stretching exercises that help with jumping
  • How to get more energy and power for your jump

This is a good start and it will help you increase your vertical leap quickly.

Jump Manual free. download full Episodes

The fast gains from the free workbook is what made me change my mind and convinced me to get the full Jump Manual.

I knew that I if I wanted to go further and get more gains, I had no choice.

download free. full Games

Jump Manual Program: More Detailed Workouts

The complete Jump Manual goes further and gives in depth complete workouts and training. It covers different topics all about the art of jumping higher.

Included in it are:

  • Essential factors needed for explosive jumping ability
  • Things needed for improving vertical jump
  • Warm Up Exercises
  • Pre-Workout Session
  • Main Workout
  • Post Workout Session
  • Importance of nutrition and recovery

The Workout Chart and Exercises

What helped me the most was the workout chart that contained the schedule of exercises and workouts. It listed everything that was to be done each day.

In total, the workout charts listed a 2 week schedule. This 2 week cycles would be repeated a few times through the entire program, which each cycle become more difficult.

In the two week workout chart, different exercises are included, these covered:

  • stretching
  • strength training exercises
  • explosive movements
  • plyometric exercises
  • core training
  • speed workouts

Jump Manual free. download full Episodes

There were special equipment needed, and you could use weights (recommended) or an alternative if you don’t have access to weights.

Download Jump Manual Full Version Free

Last Thoughts

Using the contents, tips and exercises in this free manual helps increase the vertical jump by a few inches fast. It helps improve your jumping ability by changing some of the things that you already do.

Jump Manual Free Ebook

But, if you are serious about jumping higher or being able to dunk, you’ll probably need to take the next step and buy the Jump Manual.

I debated over this when I was thinking of buying it, but considering the time I spent getting nowhere with products and programs that didn’t work, I knew I needed to make a change. In the end, I can say that getting the complete Jump Manual program saved me the time and work to get results.

Jump Manual Exercises

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