Igor Smirnov How To Beat Titled Players Pdf Download Torrent

Read Online or Download Your Winning Plan PDF. Similar games: chess books. Master Games of. Should we take a more practical approach to chess as Smirnov says, in his lessons of Your Winning Plan and mentions how strong players. Feedbacks-GM Igor Smirnov's Course “How to beat titled players” which played for years) and I managed to win. Web Forum: ChessPub Forum - Any opinions on Igor Smirnov's training courses? (UTC) Welcome, Guest. I also very recently bought 'How to beat titled players'; it.

What is the best way to improve chess skills?
Well, I'll be honest with you, there is no number one or best course/method to improve your chess - your ability to spot tactics, uncover defensive resources, recognize strategic themes, think RIGHT, and everything in between. PLUS, with all of the chess books, videos, etc. that are all the rage right now, it can get easily confusing.
HOWEVER, there are a couple of chess study plans and chess improvement courses that stand out from the rest. See them reviewed here!
The Grandmaster's Secrets By GM Igor Smirnov

Author: GrandMaster Igor Smirnov
Format: Video (With Text For Printing)
Price: $57.00
Rating: *****
Other Facts:
- All programs necessary for playing the videos, reading the text files, and playing through example games included in the package.
- 120 minutes of video lessons focusing on how to think like a strong chess player in complicated and strategy-rich positions along with other practical recommendations (preparing for a tournament, picking openings, etc.)
- Text version of every video lesson included together with the PGN files.
- 200 special tasks and games (in PGN format).
- Immediate Download
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Check Out The GrandMaster's Secrets HERE!
Author: GrandMaster Igor Smirnov
Format: Video (With Text For Printing)
Price: $45.00
Rating: ****
Other Facts:
- You get all of the programs needed for taking advantage of the course - video player as well as PGN reader. The text versions are in different format including *doc and *txt.
- 100 minutes of video lessons focusing on how to study openings, which openings to study, and master level preparation (minus the hassle) straight from GM Igor Smirnov.
- Text version of every video lesson included together with the PGN files.
- Covers 29 reliable and tournament proven chess openings.
- Specially prepared chess opening database with GM Smirnov's commentaries included.
- 600 best games (in PGN format) of the covered openings.
- Immediate Download
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Have A Look At The Grandmaster's Openings Laboratory
Author: GrandMaster Igor Smirnov
Format: Video (With Text For Printing)
Price: $69.00
TitledRating: ****
Other Facts:
- PGN Player (for playing through the chess games) and video player included in the package. The text version of the lessons are in several formats as well - *doc and *txt.
- Comes with 123 minutes of video lessons where GM Igor Smirnov goes into deeper detail about the 5 Chess Weapons against stronger players - when to use them and how exactly to use them.

Igor Smirnov How To Beat Titled Players Pdf Download Torrent Windows 7

- Text version (for printing and reading) of all the video lessons coupled with PGN files.
- 100 special games and tasks to help you use the 5 Chess Weapons against stronger players when the need arises.
- In depth instruction concerning how to go through the chess improvement course and get the most out of the 100 special games and tasks.
- Immediate Download

Igor Smirnov How To Beat Titled Players Pdf Download Torrent Windows 7

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Grab 'How to Beat Titled Players' By GM Igor Smirnov
Your Winning Plan By GM Igor Smirnov

Igor Smirnov How To Beat Titled Players Pdf Download Torrent Download

Author: GrandMaster Igor Smirnov
Format: Video (With Text For Printing)
Price: $69.00
Rating: ****
Other Facts:
- PGN Player (for playing through the chess games) and video player included in the package. The text version of the lessons are in several formats as well - *doc and *txt.
- Comes with 130 minutes of video lessons and in those lessons, GM Igor Smirnov goes into detail about how to find a winning plan, when to start planning, what factors to take in consideration (types of center, pawn structure, etc.) and a whole lot more!
- Text version (which makes it easy to print and read) of all the video lessons coupled with PGN files.
- 106 special games and tasks that will train you to find winning plans and teach you how to find them FAST!
- In depth instruction concerning how to go through the chess improvement course and get the most out of the 106 special games and tasks.
- Immediate Download
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