How To Download Photos From Mac To Iphone

Question: Q: How to download pictures from macbook to iPhone I just got a new iPhone 5s and I want to download some photos that I have on my macbook air onto my phone but I can't seem to figure out how to do that. AnyTrans for iOS is the best iPhone photo management tool works on MacBook, MacBook Air/Pro and iMac, iMac Pro. Download AnyTrans for iOS to import photos and more from Mac to your iPhone 6s/7/8/X/XR/XS.

  1. How To Download Iphone Photos To Ipad
  2. How To Move Photos From Mac To Iphone

I have a new Apple iPhone and am having fun with it, but I can’t figure out how to download photographs or pictures onto it. Is there some trick or technique? Also, in case it makes a difference, I don’t use iPhoto to manage my photo albums.

Like getting photos onto a video iPod (see how to add photos to your ipod), the only way you can add pictures to your new Apple iPhone is through iTunes. But iTunes is a bit fussy about what it will and won’t sync. You can choose a “roll” of pictures from iPhoto but since you — like me — don’t use iPhoto, you’ll need a workaround to get this going.
Fortunately, it’s pretty darn easy!
What I do to manage my iPhone photo album is create a new folder in my Pictures folder called “iPhone Pic Sync” and then copied the photos I wanted to have on the iPhone there (you copy a file, rather than moving it, by holding down the Option key while dragging and dropping):

Notice here that I not only have a new folder in my Pictures directory, but I also dragged the folder onto the left navigational shortcuts area in the Finder too, so the folder is easily accessible anywhere I’m working on my Mac. Saves finding that folder again, ya know!
Now you can simply drag and drop images in that you’d like to have on your phone and eventually you’ll have a nice little library, as I do:

When you have a bunch of pics you like, hook up your iPhone to your computer and after it autosyncs, it’ll show you the Summary view of how things are set up:

Click on the “Photos” tab here and by default it’ll offer up the ability to sync your iPhoto library:

You don’t want that, though, you want to choose “Select Folder…” from that pop-up and select the new iPhone photo sync folder. Once you do that, it’ll look like this:

That’s all there is to it. Click on “Sync” and you’ll see that iTunes is smart, it even adjusts images to work optimally on the iPhone. The sync flies past:

and now your iPhone has a spiffo new photo library of the images you desire.
Want to add or delete images? Just add or delete them to your new iPhone Pic Sync folder and they’ll automatically be synchronized with your iPhone every time you plug it in.
Still learning about your iPhone? We have lots of iPhone help here on the site!

How To Download Iphone Photos To Ipad


Let’s Stay In Touch!

How To Move Photos From Mac To Iphone

I do have a lot to say, and questions of my own for that matter, but first I'd like to say thank you, Dave, for all your helpful information by buying you a cup of coffee!

Categories: File Sharing

How To Download Photos From Mac To Iphone

In other languages:

Español: descargar fotos de tu iPhone a una computadora, Português: Baixar Fotos de Seu iPhone Para um Computador, Deutsch: Fotos von deinem iPhone auf einen Computer herunterladen, 日本語: 写真をiPhoneからコンピューターにダウンロードする, العربية: نقل الصور من هاتف آيفون إلى الكمبيوتر, ไทย: โหลดรูปจากไอโฟนลงคอมพิวเตอร์, Tiếng Việt: Tải Ảnh từ iPhone sang Máy tính, 한국어: 아이폰에서 컴퓨터로 사진 옮기는 방법, हिन्दी: आइफ़ोन से कंप्यूटर पर फोटो डाउनलोड करें, Čeština: Jak převést fotografie z iPhonu do počítače, Français: transférer ses photos d'un iPhone vers un ordinateur, Bahasa Indonesia: Mentransfer Foto dari iPhone ke Komputer, Italiano: Trasferire Foto da un iPhone al PC, Nederlands: Foto's overzetten van een iPhone naar een computer, Русский: перенести фото с iPhone на компьютер, 中文: 将照片从iPhone传到电脑, Türkçe: iPhone'dan Bilgisayara Fotoğraf Nasıl Yüklenir

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