How To Download Google Presentation

Create and edit web-based documents, spreadsheets, and presentations. Store documents online and access them from any computer. You can create a presentation in Google Docs and export the presentation as a PowerPoint (.ppt only), PDF, or Text file. To export the file, click File > Download as.

I would like to download this link as PDF:

Unfortunately, this URL uses non standard format that I recognise and can manipulate.

Modifying it to something like

Google Presentation Themes Download

doesn't work.

The Google Drive file ID should be 44 alphanumeric characters, but clearly this is 86 characters long.

Anyone can help with interpreting what format this is in please?


closed as off-topic by Cristik, LuFFy, EdChum, Matt Raines, UmairOct 25 '18 at 11:02

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1 Answer

Google download

From this tutorial to generate a link to download a google slides must have this format:

where <format> can be pptx or pdf.

This way, you can bypass Google Drive viewer or Google Slides editor and create direct download links to include in any web page. The main benefit is that you only need to maintain and host one presentation and then a direct link can be provided for anyone who need to download it in a different format.


Hope this information helps you.

How To Download A Google Presentation


Google Powerpoint

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